EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 January
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 33 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-01].iso
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: Rick Sutcliffe <rsutc@twu.ca>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.modula2,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: Modula-2 FAQ/part2
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Followup-To: poster
Date: 1 Dec 1998 13:48:49 GMT
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NNTP-Posting-Host: penguin-lust.mit.edu
Summary: This file contains the answers to some commonly asked questions
about the programming language Modula-2.
Keywords: languages, Modula-2
X-Last-Updated: 1998/10/01
Originator: faqserv@penguin-lust.MIT.EDU
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.lang.modula2:17841 comp.answers:34094 news.answers:145677
Archive-name: computer-lang/Modula2-faq/part2
Version: 2.16
Last-modified: 1998 10 0125
Posting-frequency: Monthly
Modula-2 Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
4.1.1 Is there source or other info available on the net?
A. Here are some net sites I have accessed at one time or another. I am not
sure if all are still available or what is in them.
ftp://FTP.twu.ca/pub/modula2/m2faq.html ( Home of this FAQ)
WWW sites
4.2 What other FAQs or lists of pages are available?
A. Try http://www.ee.newcastle.edu.au/users/staff/peter/m2/Modula2.html
A2. (commercial) http://www.dct.com/~johnm/M2info.html
A3. http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/Computer.html#Modula-2
A4. http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/Computer.html#Modula-2
A5. http://www.dct.com/~johnm/xdslinks.html
A6. http://stoner.cidde.pitt.edu/Modula2/
A7. http://burks.bton.ac.uk/burks/language/modula2/index.htm
4.3 Where can I find graphics libraries, etc?
A1. Try the PMOS library for various platforms
or, at one of the following sites:
ftp://ftp.psg.com/pub/modula-2/code (North America)
ftp://cs.ru.ac.za/pub/languages (South Africa)
ftp://dutiba.twi.tudelft.nl/pub/modula2 (Western Europe)
ftp://ftp.cnit.nsu.ru/pub/msdos/programm.ing/modula2 (Eastern Europe).
A2. there is a graphics library MultiGraph available through the MultiGraph
home page at
http://www.ccas.ru/~iak/mg2.htm It supports nearly all the Super-VGA
graphics modes on VESA-compatible graphics boards, including high-color and
true-color modes. You may also contact
Databiten AB
P O Box 115
811 22 Sandviken
phone: +46 26 256493
fax: +46 26 253641
Alex Iakovlev
Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
40, Vavilov Street, Moscow, GSP-1, 117967, Russia
4.4 Are there any mathematical libraries available?
A1. See Numerical Procedures in Modula-2 -- authorized translation of
Numerical recipes in Pascal from PolyWare (Klara Vancso): klarav@telic.nl
(work) OR k.vancso@tip.nl (home) The CD-ROM has the Modula-2 sources. See
A2. A numerical analysis package (as Modula-2 source files) is now
available. Information can be found at:
=46rom this point one can download a classical (PIM) version or a standard
(ISO) version.
The modules in this package are:
Complex arithmetic: most of the usual operations, including the
recently-requested SIN and COS.
Matrices: operations on matrices of any size (up to a maximum
size limit, of course) - things like addition, multiplication,
inverse, solving linear equations, eigenvalues.
Polynomials: including root-finding.
Fast Fourier Transform.
Solving ordinary differential equations.
A3. LMathLib is a library that defines a number of mathematical functions
for Modula 2 programs. Unlike other libraries of the same kind, LMathLib
patches the Modula 2 compiler. All library functions are inlined as
assembler code for the Floating Point Unit. This results in faster code
compared to the traditional solution with subroutine calls. Due to this
machine dependent technique, you can use the library ONLY with the (free)
GMD Modula System Mocka for Linux on INTEL based machines. You can get the
LMathLib library via anonymous ftp from
ftp://tee-1.tee.uni-essen.de/pub/Mocka/( Documentation is
A4. MATHPAK 87/32 is available for most 32-bit compilers. A lite version
for Canterbury M2 is freely downloadable from
Written fully in INTEL CPU machine language
Math Coprocessor control
Basic Math functions
Vector and Vector-Scalar Routines
Vector and Vector-Scalar 'Skip' Procedures
Complex Number Routines
Complex Vector and Vector-Scalar Routines
Polynomial Manipulation Routines
Simple Matrix and Vector-Matrix Routines
Solving Systems of Linear and Nonlinear Equations
Unconstrained Minimization
Nonlinear Least-Squares Minimization
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Singular Value Decomposition
Extrapolation of Vector-Sequences
Statistical and Data-Fitting Rountines
Fourier Transforms and Convolution
Spectral Analysis Routines
Numerical Integration
Differential Equations
4.5 Where can I get a Modula-2 to C converter?
A: The program mtc is available by anonymous ftp from
An already ported version for DOS+DJGPP can be found at
Several of the compilers available work by producing C code and can also
serve this purpose. See p1 and XDS listings.
4.6 Where can I get a Modula-2 to Modula-3 converter?
A. m2tom3 is available under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License from
m2tom3 is a system to port Modula-2 programs to Modula-3. It consists
of two parts:
- A conversion program which tries to create a Modula-3 source text
with the same semantics as the Modula-2 input while retaining the
original look and feel as good as possible.
- A base library which tries to emulate the Modula-2 standard library
using the Modula-3 standard library.
contact: Peter Klein
office: Ahornstrasse 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
e-mail: pk@i3.informatik.rwth-aachen.de.
Tel.: +49/241/80-21316
Fax.: +49/241/8888-218
4.7 Where can I get a Modula-2 to Component Pascal converter?
A.This is available from http://www.lrz.de/~Bernhard_Treutwein/m2o.txtNote:
Component Pascal is an Oberon dialect, but the translator does not use any
CP specificfeatures, i.e. generates standard Oberon-2.
4.8 Are there any Modula-2 applications around?
A. The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) develops and maintains
a now ~350,000 line public domain MODULA-2 reusable component library
called SAGE. For more information on SAGE send E-Mail to
hotline@sage.inel.gov and see the FTP server at
4.9 Are there any compiler construction tools available?
A1. Some old ones appear in ftp://ftp.gmd.de/GMD/cocktail/
A2. Coco/R generates recursive descent parsers and their associated
scanners from attribute grammars. Full source code, and a variety of
simple example applications are supplied in the distribution kits. The
Modula versions (1.45 is the latest) are available from
ftp://ftp.ssw.uni-linz.ac.at/pub/Coco/ and the Java versions are there
too, at ftp://ftp.ssw.uni-linz.ac.at/pub/Coco/javacoco.htm
See also:
There are versions for the MS-DOS compilers (JPI, FST, Logitech,
StonyBrook, Gardens Point), for the Mocka compiler for Linux and FreeBSD,
as well as for the Gardens Point Unix compilers, including Linux and
=46reeBSD. There is also a version that produces TurboPascal units very
similar to the Modula modules. A port for the P1 compiler on the Mac is
also available. A port by Rolf Schrader for TDI Atari Modula-2 is now
available fromftp://cs.ru.ac.za:/pub/coco/ATARI136.EXE in the form of an
MS-DOS self-extracting file. This may also be unpacked by using the LHA
decompressor on other systems. Latest information is available at
A2. A copy of the EBNF for ISO Modula-2 can be found in Appendix 3 at:
4.10 Does anyone know of a lexical analysis tool that is written in
Modula-2 and for Modula-2 code?
A.You want rex, part of Cocktail (also ll and lalr parser generators,
abstract syntax trees, attribute grammar evaluators, tree Free version:
Commercial version and support:
Dr.-Ing. Josef Grosch Tel. : 0721-697061
CoCoLab Fax : 0721-661966
Hagsfelder Allee 16 EMail : grosch@cocolab.sub.com
D-76131 Karlsruhe
4.11 Is there a static analyzer for Modula-2 code?
A.You want OSA, a backend for XDS compilers only, available from
http://www.xds.ru/osa/4.12 Is there an applications framework for Windows
A. Try looking at
This software is an application framework that implements a number of
classes that encapsulate the weirdness of the Windows C API and attempts to
present it in a cleaner way to the Modula-2 programmer.
4.13 Does there exist something to convert a C header file to a Modula-2
A. Try looking at the XDS Ltd site for the H2D freeware product on some
4.14 Is there any Benchmark code out there?
A. Try looking at the XDS Ltd site for their benchmark
4.15 Where can I get the C code of a Modula-2 compiler?
A. Most Modula-2 compilers are written in Modula-2. It seems
rather strange to me that one would want to trust the compilation of a
good language to a tool written in a poor one.4.16 What can I do with old
sources from Modula Corp?
A. From the former president Richard Ohran (ROhran@vinca.com): Modula Corp.
is dead. Do whatever you like.4.17 Are there source code examples anywhere
for Windows programmers?
A. Translations of Example Programs in Charles Petzold's book "Programming
Windows 95" from Visual C++ to Stony Brook and XDS Modula-2 by Peter
Stadler, Vienna can be found at:
4.18 Can you help me with my assignments?
A1. Some people may give you hints, but please do not subvert your
professor and your education by submitting work other people do for you.
A2. Here are two answers submitted to the newsgroup in response to s
desperate student's plea for ANY Modula-2 program. The first is rather
prosaic; the second a little more imaginative:
MODULE homework;
STextIO.WriteString ("I will do my own homework.");
END homework.
int i;
for(i=3D0; i<100; i++)
printf("I will do my own homework.\n");
} Followup Question: Is that Modula-2? I just finished my first course in
Modula-2 and that don't look at all familiar. I'm not looking forward to
the final exam.
A. (Pat Terry) Computer Science changes sooo rapidly. Haven't you
discovered Modula-2++ yet?
5.1 Where can I get an algorithm for an efficient random number generator?
A1. Pierre L'Ecuyer: Efficient and Portable Combined Random Number
Generators, Communications of the ACM, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 742-749. The RNG
has a period of approximately 2.3E+18. Generating 1 000 000 numbers per
second, that means that it would take over 73 000 years before it repeated
a sequence.
A2.Have a look at
A3.Look in the PMOS library. This one uses the 'Minimal standard random
number generator' described by Park & Miller, CACM 31,10,Oct 88 p1192. The
code has been checked for the 10001st random as specified in Park & Miller
p1195. One site is:
5.2 How can I prevent NIL pointer errors?
A.First guard your reference by writing
IF (myPointer # NIL) AND (myPointer^.fieldname =3D)...etc.
Because Modula-2 has short circuited Boolean expression evaluation, the
first part guards the second from being evaluated inappropriately. Then,
take the radical, unC-like step of checking your code design for the
logical error that led to the incorrect reference in the first place.5.3
Why doesn't my IF statement compile?
A.See the example in the last subsection. Boolean expressions must be
delineated with parentheses.5.4 Can I assume numeric variables are set to
zero and Booleans to FALSE?
A. No. The values of variables are random until your code sets them.
Declaring does not initialize.5.5 Why do conversions from real to whole
types sometimes crash?
A.You need to protect your conversion code by using MAX (TYPE) and MIN
(TYPE) which are part of the ISO Modula-2 base
A1. A shareware text I have written (and that MAY be the only currently
maintained English language instructional text on Modula-2) is available as
html in
mirrors: Austria- http://eiunix.tuwien.ac.at/Modula-2/rsbook/- the U.K.
- the U.S. http://www.mesastate.edu/~ethomson/modula2/
and as postscript in ftp://FTP.twu.ca/pub/modula2/Modula-2Text/Chapters.ps/
A2.The manuals for some of the commercial products such as TopSpeed contain
much useful information.
A3. The Gardens Point sites have documentation available (see their listing
A4. A document called Modula-2 for Pascal programmers (Postscript,10 pages)
may be fetched by anonymous ftp at
The author has not updated the contents for a couple of years, so there may
be minor inaccuracies in terms of the current language standard.
A5. A variety of ETH papers are stored at ftp.ftp.ethz.ch in /doc/diss,
/doc/tech-reports and /pub/oberon/docu
A6. What follows is a BIBLIOGRAPHY of some published materials in a table
delimited by two spaces between fields:
Author Title City Publisher Year Subject
Adams, J. Mack Gabrini, Philippe J & Kurtz, Barry L. An
Introduction to Computer Science with Modula-2 Lexington, MA D.C. Heath &
Co 1988
Backhurst, Nigel G. Mastering Modula 2 Wilmslow Sigma 1988
Beidler, John & Jackowitz, Paul Modula-2 Boston Prindle Weber &
Schmidt 1985
Blaschek, G. & Pomberger, G. Introduction To Programming With
Modula-2 Springer-Verlag 1990
Budgen, David Software Development with Modula-2 Reading, MA
Addison-Wesley 1989
Carmony, Lowell A. & Holliday, Robert L. A First Course In
Modula-2 New York Computer Science Press c1990
Carroll, D. W. Advanced Modula-2 Programming for the IBM PC XT
and AT Elsevier 1986
Chirlian, Paul M. Introduction to Modula-2 Beaverton, Or. Matrix
Christian, Kaare A guide to Modula-2 New York Springer-Verlag 1986
Cooling, J.E. Modula-2 for Microcomputer Systems Van Nostrand
Reinhold 1988
Cooper, Doug Oh My! Modula-2! New York Norton 1990
Cornelius, Barry Programming with TopSpeed Modula-2 Reading, MA
Addison Wesley 1991
Eisenbach, Susan & Sadler, Cristopher Program Design with Modula-2
Reading, MA Addison-Wesley 1989
Elder, Jim Compiler Construction: A Recursive Descent model
Hemel Hempstead England: Prentice-Hall 1994
Etling, Don Modula-2 Programmer's Resource Book Blue Ridge
Summit, PA Tab Books 1988
Feldman, Michael B. Data Structures with Modula-2 Englewood
Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall 1988
Ford, Gary & Wiener, Richard. Modula-2: A Software Development
Approach New York Wiley 1985
Gabrini, Philippe J. & Kurtz, Barry L. Data Structures And
Algorithms With Modula-2 Lexington, MA DC Heath c1992
Gleaves, Richard Modula-2 for Pascal Programmers New York
Springer-Verlag 1984
Gough, K. John & Mohay, George M. Modula-2: A Second Course In
Programming Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall 1988
Greenfield, Stuart B. Invitation to Modula-2 Petrocelli Books 1985
Harrison, Rachael Abstract Data Types in Modula-2 New York Wiley
1989 Wiley
Harter, Edward D. Modula-2 Programming. A First Course Englewood
Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1990
Helman, Paul & Veroff, Robert Walls and Mirrors: Intermediate
Problem Solving and Data. Modula-2 Menlo Park, CA Benjamin Cummings 1988
Hewitt, Jill A. & Frak, Raymond J. Software Engineering in
Modula-2: an object-oriented approach London Macmillan 1989.
Hille, R.F. Data Abstraction and Program Development Using Modula-2
Sydney Prentice Hall 1989
Hopper, Keith. The Magic of Modula-2 Melbourne Prentice Hall 1991
Johnston, Chris Applying Modula-2 Academic Press 1991
Jones, William C. Jr. Data Structures Using Modula-2 New York
Wiley 1988
Jones, William C. Jr. Modula-2 Problem Solving and Programming
with Style New York Harper & Row 1987
Joyce, Edward J. Modula-2: A Seafarer's Manual & Shipyard Guide
Reading, MA Addison-Wesley 1985
Kaplan, Ian & Miller, Mike Modula-2 Programming Rochelle Park, NJ
Hayden Book Co. 1986
Kelly-Bootle, Stan Modula-2 Primer Howard W. Sams & Co. 1987
King, K.N. Modula-2: A Complete Guide Lexington, MA D.C. Heath &
Co 1988
Knepley, Ed & Platt, Robert Modula-2 Programming Reston, VA
Reston Pub. Co. 1985
Koffman, Elliot B. Problem Solving and Structured Programming in
Modula-2 Reading, MA Addison-Wesley 1988
Kruse, Robert L. Programming With Data Structures Modula-2 Version
Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1988
Lawrence, Mike Modula-2 And The Amiga Avant-Garde Software 1990?
Leestma, Sanford & Nyhoff, Larry Programming & Problem-Solving in
Modula-2 New York Macmillan 1989
Lins, C. (Charles) The Modula-2 Software Component Library Volumes
I-IV New York Springer-Verlag 1989-
Mayer, Herbert G. Programming in Modula-2. the Art & the Craft
New York Macmillan 1988
McCracken, Daniel D. & W. Salmon A Second Course in Computer
Science with Modula-2 New York Wiley 1987
Messer, P. A. & I. Marshall Modula-2 Constructive Program
Development Oxford Blackwell Scientific Publications 1986
Metrowerks, Inc. Staff Metrowerks Modula-2 Start Pak New York
Macmillan 1990
Mitchell, R. J. Modula-2 Applied London Macmillan 1991
Mitchell, Richard Abstract Data Types And Modula-2 A Worked
Example Of Design Using Data Abstraction Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice
Hall 1992
Moore, John B. & McKay, Kenneth N. Modula-2 Text and Reference
Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1987
Novak, M.M. Modula-2 in Science & Engineering London McGraw 1990
Nyhoff, Larry & Leestma ,Sanford Data Structures & Advanced
Programming in Modula-2 New York Macmillan 1990
Ogilvie, John W. L. Modula-2 Programming New York McGraw-Hill 1985
Pinson, Lewis Sincovec, Richard & Weiner, Richard A First Course
in Computer Science with Modula-2 New York Wiley 1987
Pittman, Thomas & Peters, James The Art Of Compiler Design Theory
And Practice Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1992
Pomberger, Gustav. Software Engineering and Modula-2 Englewood
Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall 1984
Rechenberg, P. & M=F6ssenb=F6ck, H. (tr. O'Meara, John) A Compiler
Generator for Microcomputers Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall / Carl
Hanser Verlag 1989
Riley, David D. Data Abstraction and Structures: An Introduction
To Computer Science II Boston Boyd & Fraser Pub. Co. 1987
Riley, David D. Using Modula-2: An Introduction To Computer
Science I Boston Boyd & Fraser Pub. Co. 1987
Sale, Arthur H. J. Modula-2: Discipline & Design Sydney
Addison-Wesley 1986
Sawyer, Brian & Foster, Dennis. Programming Expert Systems in
Modula-2 New York Wiley 1986
Schildt, Herbert Advanced Modula-2 Berkeley, CA Osborne
McGraw-Hill 1987
Schildt, Herbert Modula-2 Made Easy Berkeley, CA Osborne
McGraw-Hill 1986
Schiper, Andre; (tr. Howlett, Jack) Concurrent programming:
Illustrated With Examples in Portal, Ada, and Modula-2 Halsted Press
Schnapp, Russell L. Macintosh Graphics in Modula-2 Englewood
Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1986
Sincovec, Richard F. & Richard S. Wiener. Data Structures Using
Modula-2 New York Wiley 1986
Sincovec, Richard F. & Wiener, Richard S. Modula-2 Software
Components New York Wiley 1987
Stubbs, Daniel F. & Webre, Neil W. Data Structures With Abstract
Data Types and Modula-2 Monterey, CA Brooks/Cole Pub. Co. 1987
Sutcliffe, Richard J. Introduction to Programming Using Modula-2
Columbus, OH Merrill 1987
Sutcliffe, Richard J. mailto:rsutc@twu.ca. Modula-2: Abstractions for Data
and Programming Structures (Using ISO-Standard Modula-2) Mt. Lehman: Arjay
Enterprises 1996. http://www.csc.twu.ca/rsbook (1996 09 16)
Sutcliffe, Richard J. Standard Generic Modula-2 (Document
ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG13 D235) 1996 07 12
ftp://FTP.twu.ca/pub/modula2/WG13/ca101.GenericModula2CD(1996 09 16)
Sutherland, Robert J. The Professional Programmer's Guide to
Modula-2 London Pitman 1988
Terry, Patrick D. An Introduction To Programming with Modula-2
Reading, MA Addison-Wesley 1987
Thalmann, Daniel Modula-2: An Introduction New York
Springer-Verlag 1985
Tremblay, Jean-Paul DeDourek, John M. & Daoust, David A.
Programming in Modula-2 New York McGraw-Hill 1989
Tucker, Allen B. Jr. Computer science: A Second Course Using
Modula-2 New York McGraw-Hill 1988
Ullmann, Jeffrey Compiling in Modula-2 - A First Introduction To
Classical Recursive Descent Compiling Hemel Hempstead England:
Prentice-Hall 1994
Ural, Saim & Ural, Suzan Introduction to Programming with Modula-2
New York Harper & Row 1987
Walker, Billy K Modula-2 Programming With Data Structures
Belmont, CA Wadsworth Pub. Co. 1986
Walker, Robert D. Modula-2 Library Modules: A Programmer's
Reference Blue Ridge Summit, PA Tab Books 1988
Ward, Terry A. Advanced Programming Techniques in Modula-2
Glenview, IL Scott Foresman 1987
Welsh, Jim & Elder, John Introduction to Modula-2 Englewood
Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1987
Wiatrowski, Claude A. & Wiener, Richard S. From C to Modula-2--and
Back - Bridging The Language Gap New York Wiley
Wiener, Richard Modula-2 Wizard's Programming Reference New York
Wiley 1986
Wiener, Richard & Ford, G. Modula-2 A Software Development
Approach New York Wiley 1985
Wiener, Richard & Sincovec, R. F. Software Engineering with
Modula-2 and Ada New York Wiley 1984
Willis, Claire & Paddon, Derek Abstraction And Specification With
Modula-2 London Pitman 1992
Wirth, Niklaus Programming in Modula-2 (3rd corrected ed.) New
York Springer-Verlag 1985
Wirth, Niklaus Algorithms and Data Structures (1986 edition)
Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall 1986
Wirth, Niklaus Programming in Modula-2 (4th ed.) New York
Springer-Verlag 1990
Woodman, Mark et al Portable Modula-2 Programming Maidenhead,
Berkshire UK McGraw-Hill 1989
Note: The reviews have been contributed by others and I take no
responsibility for their accuracy or for any opinions expressed therein. I
have updated some of the facts.
p1 Modula-2 v5.2 for Macintosh, by Marc Martin, Dec 1994.This is an
excellent Modula-2 compiler, implemented as an MPW Tool. Highlights include
ISO language extensions & library, a full set of Macintosh toolbox
definitions, language extensions to simplify toolbox programming,
object-oriented extensions and support for MacApp, greater than 32k code
and globals, code generation comparable to Apple's official compilers,
several FPU code options, multi-window debugger, linkable with other MPW
languages, detailed documentation, and superb technical support via e-mail.
Downsides include high cost (US$400), dependency on MPW, lack of SADE
support. Version 6.0 has been released for creating PowerPC programs under
MPW or CodeWarrier.
GPM, MOD32, TopSpeed and XDS are reviewed at
Personal: I have used, written about, and taught Modula-2 (since 1983) and
have maintained some of the information in this list for over seven years.
I have used at least a dozen different compiler/environments in that time
on five different platforms, and have written numerous articles and reviews
for publication. I have been a member of the ISO committee WG13 (Modula-2
standardization) since its inception and have participated in all the
debates and meetings of WG13 except for meeting #9 at Lake Wanaka. I have
written a text on Modula-2 (now shareware), made numerous submissions to
WG13 and directed an implementation of the ISO I/O library in order to
verify its concepts. I am the author and project editor of Standard Generic
(i) I take no responsibility for anyone's use or misuse of this information.
(ii) Apart from having been a beta tester, textbook writer, programmer and
a long time user of Modula-2, I have no financial connection with any
manufacturer or distributor of software. I am the author of some Modula-2
materials (some of which are shareware) as noted herein. Some manufacturers
may distribute my shareware on CD-ROM for a previously arranged fee, but
that is not an endorsement of their products by me or of mine by them.
(iii) In producing this material, I am NOT acting in an official capacity
for TWU, WG13, ABC, IEEE, ACM, comp.lang.modula2, or any other organization.
(iv) Mention of a book or product is NOT an endorsement unless specifically
(v) Inclusion of materials on this list is based on relevance to Modula-2
and factual content and is otherwise entirely without prejudice. I reserve
the right to edit all submissions for brevity, clarity, and usage.
To remain authoritative, this and all versions of this FAQ are copyright
1991-1998 by Rick Sutcliffe. This document may be freely copied and
distributed provided it is not altered and no fee is charged with the
exception of normal downloading or copying costs.
Compiled by:
Rick Sutcliffe (aka The Northern Spy in the old days)
Trinity Western University
7600 Glover Rd.,
Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y 1Y1
(604) 888-7511 Fax 513-2018 mailto:rsutc@twu.ca
Rick Sutcliffe Math/Cmpt Trinity Western University <http://www.twu.ca/>
CDN Chair WG13, FAQ maintainer comp.lang.modula-2
<http://www.twu.ca/faculty/rsutcliffe.htm> <Not speaking officially>